Tag Archive: House of Heart

I wrote this for you

I wrote this for you

I want it to be perfect

its verses as bright as a

summer day in a garden

we created among billows

of blossoms  ascending carnations

lean back in our rose colored swing

while I surrender to a dream

until it’s  time for me to go

I don’t want to own

I just want to be here

Translation By Bernd @ Neues Vom Hutschi

Ich schrieb dieses Gedicht
nur für dich.
Ich möchte, dass es perfekt sei,
mit Versen, hell wie ein
ein Sommertag.
Wallende Wolken,
aufsteigende Nelken
aus einem Garten, den ich erschaffen habe.
Lehn dich zurück in meine Rosenblüte,
eine farbige Schaukel und
geb dich Tagträumen hin,
bis es Zeit ist zu gehen.
Ich möchte, dass du regierst …
Ich will nicht besitzen,
nur dabei sein.

Tell me your story
minute as a wish on a star.
Did you run through blowing
wheat fields your yellow hair flying?
Your secrets of the heart
give them to me.
I am swallowed up longing
When you fall I form a scar
read to me of love and life
Those petals closing in the dark.
Stay…lest I fade away.
Serge Gurkski


homage to Heart’s poetry
in the form of a Brazilian sonnet**

Pretty pink clouds cluster on
my graying mind’s horizon
as I roam your house of verse
breathing in the brazen breeze
that carries lilts of lust and loss.

Seductress, you lure my heart
into playfully set up microdrams
to trap a sad man’s smile.

Kidnapped from a drab void
to tender moments of bliss,
how I long to belong to that lofty realm of subdued passion and coy winks

long to become sound of your song,
stroke of your brush cause of your sigh.

* see here e.g.
**Brazilian sonnet: invented by Fernando Mendes